Tips for Forage Testing

Cattle producers are continually looking for ways to cut expenses and increase profits; they’re no different than any other good business operator. Andy McLaughlin owner of McLaughlin Cattle has found one simple and efficient way to cut some of his feed costs down while ensuring his cow herd gets the nutrition it needs during the right production […]

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Every Animal has Value: Keeping Cull Calves Profitable

Each fall when you go to market with your weaned calves, it seems like there are a handful of outliers in your calf crop that could cost you some premiums. But don’t dismay; there are ways to find value for every calf that you’ve produced; it might just take some extra time or some different […]

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A Key for Success at All Stages of Production

The RBC Ranch is situated in Southwest Arkansas, where lifelong cattle producers Steve Groves runs his SimAngus cows. Through trial and error, he’s discovered the best ways to make a living – keeping his herd healthy and productive. However, one thing he learned early on is never skimp on a nutrition program. Although he has […]

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The Real Impact of Flies

Good things don’t always come in small packages. Take for instance, the fly. This little nuisance is known to cause at least $1.5 billion in losses to the cattle industry annually. Break that down, and it could be costing you, the producer, $30-$50 per pair if you are not engaging in effective fly control management. […]

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A Guide to Pinkeye in your Herd

Pinkeye is a highly contagious infectious disease that impacts cattle across the world. According to a University of Nebraska Veterinary website, pinkeye costs U.S. beef producers between $150-300 million per year. Economic hits can come by way of decreased gain and decreased milk production, therefore decreasing the overall value of your cattle, as well as […]

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Tips for Making Quality Hay

Fresh forage is one low-cost, high-nutrient source of feed for beef and dairy cattle, sheep and horses. However, with a surplus of forage and some land and environmental factors that prohibit grazing fresh forages, making hay is a resourceful way to harvest and store valuable forages for a later time when feed resources become scarcer, […]

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How to get the Maximum Value from Your Land

Farmers and ranchers are the original stewards of the land, and with good reason. For centuries, these agriculturalists have provided their own families, the country and the world with safe and nutritious food as a result of caring for the land. For many it is a passion passed down from one generation to the next; […]

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How One Progressive Cattleman Weathered the Storm

Livestock producers from across the country are reeling from the wrath of Mother Nature. From record rainfall amounts, to early-season tornadoes in the South, prolonged winter in the North, and the worst storm to ever hit Nebraska with the blizzard and floods from the “bomb cyclone” in March, producers could easily give up. But that […]

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Prepare Your Herd for Grazing Season Stressors

After a stressful winter across the country, cattle producers are surely looking forward to the sunshine and turning their cattle out to green pastures. Just as Mother Nature can cause havoc in the winter months, she can also add unnecessary stress to your herd in the spring and summer. However, with proper management, you can […]

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Be Proactive with Fly Control

Out of sight; out of mind. But what if that nuisance we can’t see right now is likely to cause more than $1 billion in damage to the U.S. beef industry? It’s time to make flies top-of-mind. Yes, that tiny black fly – only about 4 mm in length or half the size of a […]

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