minerals for cows

VitaFerm® Offers Minerals for Cows in Every Stage of Production 

Minerals for Cows Everywhere you turn, input costs keep creeping up, slowly and steadily. Feed, medicine costs, fencing, and basic supplies for cattle producers are increasing. Often times the first sacrifices that producers make are vitamins and minerals for cows.   Cows require vitamins and minerals for various essential physiological functions to support overall health, growth, […]

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how to treat heat stress in cattle

How to Treat Heat Stress in Cattle 

Nobody likes to feel stressed, cattle included. And those cattle definitely don’t want to experience heat stress. But with the summer quickly approaching, it’s inevitable that heat stress is going to strike, ready or not.   Preventing heat stress is actually preferred over treatment. But there is always going to be some need to treat heat […]

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Get Weaned Calves Straightened Out Quicker

Sometimes the biggest challenges to livestock production are out of our control, but as producers we still look for ways to work around those obstacles. That is the case for one cattle operation in Northeast Louisiana where heat and humidity are at a peak as they approach weaning time. “The humidity down here is the […]

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Making Weaning More Profitable

In a time of unpredictability in the cattle market, one thing remains predictable. The fewer days you have a calf on feed, the lower your input costs will be. With a great percentage of cow-country covered by drought, higher feed costs and a volatile market, finding profit in the cattle business is on top of mind […]

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Improved Herd Nutrition is a Change Worth Talking About

Making change isn’t always easy; especially when multiple generations are working together on the family farm. However, with four people from three generations bringing ideas to the table of a progressive operation, like the Winkelpleck Family Farm in east central Iowa, change for the better is always welcome.  “My dad is 81 years old, and it was his idea to research the VitaFerm®. He saw […]

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How Vita Charge® Stress Tubs Were Improved

How do you make a great product better? Add one ingredient that is research-proven to work synergistically with other key ingredients to maximize the overall benefits of the product. That’s what the research and production teams at BioZyme® Inc. did with the Vita Charge® Stress Tubs by including a probiotic to the new and improved formula, that launched in October. Vita Charge Stress Tubs provide an extremely […]

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Don’t Take Chances with Your Nutrition Program

“Leave nothing to chance.”  That is perhaps one of the most important lessons that Spencer Nero learned during his time at college. He didn’t learn it from some educated professor in a giant lecture hall. Instead, he learned it from the late Nathan Payne, owner and operator at Bud’s Barbershop along The Strip in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Nero […]

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How One Stocker Operator Minimized Medicine Cost and Maximized Return

Farms and ranches passed down from generation to generation, with the younger generation learning from the one before them is just one part of the agricultural legacy. Working together every day to make the land and animals more efficient for the future generations is the other part of that legacy. Howard Cattle Co., at Waurika, […]

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3 Tips to Reduce Shipping Stress

Change is never easy. That is true if you’re a young person moving away to attend college, someone changing jobs or a freshly weaned calf with a long truck ride in its future. However, in each of these scenarios there are ways to reduce the stress and make the transition a little easier. Up until this […]

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A Guide to Low-Stress Shipping

The cool, crisp mornings are a hint that fall is just around the corner. And for cattle operations, that means one thing – shipping time is quickly approaching. Shipping your cattle might seem like an easy task. Get them penned up, load them up and send them on their way. However, keeping your calves healthy and as low-stress as possible during this […]

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