Multi-tasking is never easy. Imagine the life of a 2-year-old heifer just turned mama cow. She’s still growing and maturing herself. Now, she’s given birth to a 70-pound calf that depends on her as its sole nutrition source, and in 45-60 days needs to be ready for rebreeding for her second pregnancy. To make sure […]
Category: Management Practices
How to Overcome the Challenges of Feeding on Wet Ground
It seems like ol’ Mother Nature hasn’t held back this fall when it comes to rainfall. Some parts of the U.S. are 20-30 inches above their normal precipitation for the year, with still a good six weeks left on the calendar. Harvest has been a challenge in many parts of the country, as has been […]
What You Need to Know About a Mycotoxin Risk in Your Feed
Due to a wet fall and delayed harvest in the Midwest, conditions have been ideal for mold growth. Therefore, mycotoxins will likely be an issue in many feeds and ingredients this year. Mycotoxins are a toxic, secondary metabolite produced by fungi/molds that result in undesirable performance when animals (or even humans for that matter) are […]
How Nutrition Adds Value for Sellers and Buyers
As the leaves turn from green to crisp golds and yellows, it’s a reminder that fall weaning is right around corner. Many weaned calves will be making their way to feed lots across the Midwest. As the time comes to market calves, producers are always looking for ways to capture extra profit, and the buyers […]
How to Host a Successful Bull Sale
You’ve been selling a few bulls off your seedstock operation for several years now. You have increased your herd size and think next year might be the year to make the switch from selling your bulls privately to conducting your first bull sale. Are you prepared? Do you know the amount of time you will […]
Management is Key to Successful Sale Preparation
In the heart of the Nebraska Sandhills is a multi-breed, multi-generation cattle operation that will market nearly 1,000 head of cattle this calendar year. When asked how they manage their resources and market cattle that have found success in herds across the country, the answer was fairly simple. “We just stick to the basics,” said […]
How to Get the Most Nutrients from Low Quality Forages
As summer’s days get shorter and the crisp morning air starts to greet us, it is a reminder that the seasons are about to transition into fall. With that transition comes many changes for the cattle producer, including considerations of managing forages and how to feed those available forages in the coming months. Availability of […]
Significance of Salt
Both sodium and chloride, elements of salt, are essential nutrients for virtually all forms of life. Sodium and chloride are necessary for proper nervous and muscular function, body pH regulation and water retention. Sodium is involved in muscle and nerve function. Chlorine is essential for hydrochloric acid production in the abomasum and for carbon dioxide […]
How to Boost New Born Calves’ Health
Fall calving is around the corner. You’ve got your calving kit ready. The cows are in good condition and look ready. You are anxiously waiting to see how your mating decisions from last winter will turn out. Once those calves hit the ground and start nursing, they will be all set. But, wait. Have you […]
How to Shorten Calving Intervals
Optimum productivity should be the goal of each cow-calf producer and that productivity begins with cows producing at least one calf every 365 days. With proper management, including a good health and nutrition program, that goal is easily attainable. Shortened calving intervals – or the time between birth of one calf and the subsequent birth […]