Garlic for Cattle
Out of sight; out of mind. But what if that nuisance we can’t see is going to cause more than $1 billion in damage to the U.S. beef industry? It’s time to make flies top-of-mind. Yes, that tiny black fly causes a huge economic impact to the beef industry each year.
It’s hard to believe that something less than 4 mm in length or half the size of a house fly causes lost gains and reproductive failures. Even though it only lives 10-20 days, it makes a lasting impression during its short lifecycle.
Be Proactive with Fly Control
Cattle producers need to take a proactive approach to their fly challenges to get them under control. Waiting until they turn out to pasture or see a fly is too late.
Although flies have such an incredibly short life cycle, they are active producers. A female fly can lay upward of 400-500 eggs in a fresh pile of manure during her life. Consider this. In week zero, only two adult flies might be present in your pasture.
However, due to warmer weather, available breeding grounds and their reproductivity, by week eight, there could be more than 114 million flies of all ages present. Think about that and realize the importance of being proactive.
Garlic is a Detractor
Think about it. Most humans are not attracted to someone with garlic breath. Or with garlic seeping from their pores. That is the effect providing garlic for cattle has on flies. Although studies are limited, one Canadian study shows that cattle that were fed garlic powder during prime grazing season carried significantly lower fly loads.
When garlic is ingested, the odor is emitted through the animal’s skin and breath. Flies are repelled by the smell and don’t land on the animals. Garlic, to deter insects, will not kill the flies, but it will help prevent the flies from landing on and biting your cattle.
Some producers have been feeding garlic powder on their own because they like the internal fly control. They feel it might be more impactful than say a pour on or fly-spray, when animals go stand in ponds to cool off during a hot day. They mix in garlic powder or garlic salt with their free-choice mineral.
Making sure your cattle get enough garlic continuously is key. Keeping the garlic powder on hand and mixing it with your mineral can be a challenge. And remember, we mentioned being proactive. You will want to start feeding garlic at least 30 days before the flies even think about reproducing.
BioZyme Offers Garlic Solutions
BioZyme knows that producers are looking for these natural solutions like garlic to help detract flies. That is why we have added garlic to our HEAT® technology to help keep insects, including flies, away. HEAT technology is a combination of essential oils and garlic, to support animals when heat and insects are a challenge.
Producers looking to provide garlic for their cattle can with the products from BioZyme with HEAT. In addition, the BioZyme products contain AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility.
Several products include the HEAT technology for all segments of the beef industry.
HEAT Products for Reproductive Performance
Though our HEAT products work to protect your herd against environmental stressors, that’s not all they can do. In fact, BioZyme products improve overall animal performance, from gastric health to reproductive performance.
How? Well, all the VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® products contain Amaferm. They also include organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health. The Concept•Aid formula also contains high levels of Vitamin E to support reproductive tract repair and milk quality.
In addition, we incorporate other digestive technologies, such as including garlic for cattle, to ensure positive health outcomes. Our HEAT products include:
VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT®
VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT is a premium free-choice 5% phosphorus vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle. It is designed to support reproductive success when temperatures are above 70 degrees or when cattle are grazing fescue.
VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® with ClariFly®
VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT with ClariFly is a premium free-choice 5% phosphorus vitamin & mineral supplement with ClariFly® for beef cattle. It is intended to be fed when temperatures are above 70 degrees or when cattle are grazing fescue and designed to support reproductive success.
Garlic Products for the Entire Herd
All products in this category contain Amaferm to enhance digestibility.
VitaFerm® HEAT®
VitaFerm HEAT is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle designed to support overall health. It is intended to be fed when insects are a challenge and temperatures are above 70 degrees or when cattle are grazing fescue. That’s why we incorporate garlic for cattle dealing with pests.
In addition to HEAT, this product contains organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health.
VitaFerm® HEAT® with ClariFly®
VitaFerm HEAT with ClariFly is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement with ClariFly® for beef cattle designed to support overall health when temperatures are above 70 degrees and/or when cattle are grazing fescue.
In addition to HEAT, this product contains organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health.
VitaFerm® HEAT® Tub
VitaFerm HEAT Tub is a vitamin and mineral tub for beef cattle designed to support overall health when temperatures are above 70 degrees or when cattle are grazing fescue.
In addition to HEAT, this 200-pound tub contains organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health.
VitaFerm Conserve® Garlic
VitaFerm Conserve Garlic is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle with garlic designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. It contains garlic to deter insects and features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package.
HEAT Products for Your Stockers
As promised, BioZyme offers products that incorporate garlic for cattle at all stages of production. Gain Smart® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for stocker cattle that promotes healthy, economical pounds.
Gain Smart® Stocker HEAT®
Gain Smart Stocker HEAT is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for stocker cattle designed to maximize efficient gain when temperatures are above 70 degrees. With the HEAT technology and Amaferm, it also includes organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability and hoof health.
Our Users are Excited for the Results
But don’t just listen to us talk about the benefits of BioZyme products and how we take advantage of garlic for cattle. Here’s an actual customer talking about his experience:
“The product I really like is the VitaFerm® HEAT® mineral. When I heard about the product with chili powder and garlic in it, I’m half-Italian, so I knew it would help repel insects. The HEAT definitely helps with fly control. I can go out and see my cows in the pasture and tell which ones are eating it based on the lack of flies on them compared to the cows that haven’t eaten it that are bunched up and have flies landing on them,” said Steve Olson of Hidden Canyon Farm in New York.
Start your Fly Control Today!
If you want to be like Steve and many other happy VitaFerm users who have seen the results of our products that include garlic for cattle, don’t delay. Fly season will be here before we know it.
Get your VitaFerm HEAT or garlic products from an authorized BioZyme dealer today. Our extensive dealer network is here to help you meet all your challenges.
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