Managing Your Cows in the Winter

The changing of the seasons is inevitable. That’s true whether you’re running Angus cows in North Dakota or Hereford and black baldie cows in south central Mississippi. However, when you’re a cattle producer whose livelihood depends on those mama cows, the changing seasons mean making a few adaptations to cow nutrition and care to make […]

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4 Tips to Successfully Wintering Stocker Calves

It’s no doubt, agriculture is a risky business. There are a lot of uncertainties, especially when you add the environment and the ever-changing weather into the mix. But with a good plan and some of these best management practices in place, you can come out in the springtime with healthy, growthy calves that are ready […]

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Tips for Making Quality Hay

Fresh forage is one low-cost, high-nutrient source of feed for beef and dairy cattle, sheep and horses. However, with a surplus of forage and some land and environmental factors that prohibit grazing fresh forages, making hay is a resourceful way to harvest and store valuable forages for a later time when feed resources become scarcer, […]

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Nutrition Keeps Calves Healthy, Performing on the Last Frontier

Northern Minnesota. Picture it. Lakes and woodlands. Prime hunting and fishing. The great outdoors. Premier cattle country. And the home to Wilde Angus Ranch, located at Shevlin. Wayne and Deb Wilde started their cattle operation in 1972 with commercial cattle. Over the years, they transitioned to registered Charolais and today the herd consists of nearly […]

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Don’t Skimp on Winter Supplementation

Even though the first few weeks of fall have just “officially” passed, it is never too early to begin thinking about winter. It seems like producers and meteorologists alike have been discussing that this winter could be bitterly cold and snow covered, and if you are one of the many people who refer to the […]

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5 Tips for Beef Cow Herd Winter Supplementation

With first blast of winter weather quickly approaching, have you thought about what that means to your cow herd? Keeping cattle in good condition through the fall and into early winter ultimately helps insulate the animal and minimize the amount of feed required later in the winter season. Kevin Glaubius, Director of Nutrition and Technical Sales […]

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