what to feed cows

A Year-Long Planner: What to Feed Cows 

What To Feed Cows Cow nutritional requirements fluctuate throughout the calendar year and the annual production cycle. Fortunately, cattle producers have a variety of management systems to choose from. They can select calving times, weaning protocols, nutrition programs, and marketing scenarios.  However, when it comes to what to feed cows, the production cycle of the […]

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how to treat heat stress in cattle

How to Treat Heat Stress in Cattle 

Nobody likes to feel stressed, cattle included. And those cattle definitely don’t want to experience heat stress. But with the summer quickly approaching, it’s inevitable that heat stress is going to strike, ready or not.   Preventing heat stress is actually preferred over treatment. But there is always going to be some need to treat heat […]

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best fly control for cattle

VitaFerm® Offers the Best Fly Control for Cattle 

Best Fly Control for Cattle Ready or not, it’s fly season. With Midwest winter days in the 70-degree temperatures and an influx of precipitation across parts of the country, it is ideal breeding conditions for pesky flies.  As cattle producers, you already know how troublesome flies can be. After all, flies cause more than $1 […]

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BioZyme® Brands Cover all Sectors of Beef Business

If you are in the cattle business, chances are you’ve likely heard of VitaFerm®, and perhaps over time you’ve mistaken VitaFerm as a company. If you have, you aren’t alone. However, VitaFerm is one of several offerings in the family of brands manufactured by BioZyme® Inc.   VitaFerm is a line of nutritional supplements for beef […]

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4 Tips for Staying Profitable During the Summer

Chances are if you are a cow-calf producer, you are constantly looking for ways to stay profitable. With uncertainties in markets, environments and climate, there are several challenges that exist to getting a handle on your bottom line. However, following a few best management practices will help your operation thrive during the summer and help […]

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Find the Game Changer to Your Fall Calving Line Up

Cattle producers across many parts of the country find benefits to a fall calving program – pasture space is readily available, calving in the open helps keep calves healthier, reducing chances for sickness and the weather lends itself to a more pleasant overall experience with no frozen tails or ears. However, the temperatures can still […]

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Signs of Heat Stress in Cattle

Raise your hand if you enjoy heat and humidity? If you are in production agriculture and specifically in the livestock business, chances are those hands remained at your side or maybe tucked deep inside your pockets. Summer’s high heat and humidity brings extra challenges to livestock producers when it comes to overall health and performance.   Heat stress […]

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BioZyme® Launches New Breeding Mineral for Summer Heat

Getting cows bred and keeping them bred during the summer can be a challenge. Heat stress takes a toll on early-term pregnancy, and with temps already warming up to the mid-70s in April across much of the Midwest, it seems like environmental extremes might just reach new heights this year.  That’s why BioZyme® Inc., makers of […]

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Four Ways to Keep Your Cows Bred During the Summer Heat

The summer heat can zap your energy faster than you can rattle off your favorite cow’s pedigree. A typical day of work will make most people tired but add in extreme heat and humidity and sometimes surviving feels like a job in itself. Imagine being a cow out on pasture, in both lactation and gestation. […]

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