garlic for cattle

Garlic for Cattle: an Ideal Fly Control Method 

Garlic for Cattle Out of sight; out of mind. But what if that nuisance we can’t see is going to cause more than $1 billion in damage to the U.S. beef industry? It’s time to make flies top-of-mind. Yes, that tiny black fly causes a huge economic impact to the beef industry each year.   It’s […]

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A Producer’s Guide to Grass Tetany

Spring might seem like an eternity away. Across the U.S., temperatures have dipped well below zero, and there’s a blanket of snow over most of the country.   However, spring is on the way. With its arrival, cattle producers will be thinking about turning their cattle out on nice green pastures. Spring grazing is always an […]

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Amaferm® – A wise investment, not an extra cost

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme® Inc., Beef Technical Sales Manager Profitability in beef production is dependent upon output revenue exceeding input costs. Elevated calf prices have pushed gross returns yet profit margins have shrunk due to the rising cost of production. A general rule of thumb is that at least 60% of your operational expenses are […]

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How Vita Charge® Stress Tubs Were Improved

How do you make a great product better? Add one ingredient that is research-proven to work synergistically with other key ingredients to maximize the overall benefits of the product. That’s what the research and production teams at BioZyme® Inc. did with the Vita Charge® Stress Tubs by including a probiotic to the new and improved formula, that launched in October. Vita Charge Stress Tubs provide an extremely […]

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