calf gel

Is All Calf Gel Created Equally? 

Cow-calf producers want the best start for their newborn calves. That’s why BioZyme® Inc. recently introduced VitaFerm® Sure Start Gel, specifically formulated for calves to support immune function and overall health during the critical post-birth period. Yes, there are other calf gels on the market. But, as leaders in animal health and nutrition, our goal […]

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cow milk yield

Increase Cow Milk Yield with Quality Nutrition

Calving time – it’s the most wonderful season for cattle producers when they finally see the outcomes of their breeding decisions. During the recent winter cold snap, negative windchills slammed the country. During a “typical” year, other challenges besides survival and frozen ears exist. Will a first-calf heifer need assistance? Will the calf nurse? Does […]

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mastitis in cattle

A Guide to Mastitis in Cattle

There are always challenges that accompany the calving season – dystocia, weak calves and winter storms. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could calve for one year with no stress and worries about the newborn calf or its mama? One challenge producers don’t often think about is mastitis in cattle. Mastitis is an inflammatory condition […]

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Sure Start Gel

BioZyme® Launches VitaFerm® Sure Start Gel 

BioZyme’s mission is to provide an undeniable positive impact on the health and wellness of the animals it serves. Therefore, BioZyme and its staff continually research and create products to help animals and maximize efficiencies for producers. With our mission and commitment to care that comes full circle in mind, we are excited to introduce […]

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hay for cattle

Hay for Cattle is an Important Part of the Diet 

Hay for cattle plays a critical role in the diet, providing essential nutrients and a reliable feed source when pasture grasses are unavailable or insufficient. The importance of hay is especially evident when analyzed across the four seasons. Understanding how hay contributes to cattle nutrition year-round helps producers maintain healthy herds and ensure consistent production.  […]

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Protein for Cattle

Protein for Cattle: VitaFerm® Offers Options

Protein for cattle is essential, especially during critical times like winter when a majority of the cow herd is in late gestation. Furthermore, during the winter, forage quality often declines, and protein supplementation becomes crucial to ensure cattle can efficiently utilize available energy sources and maintain body condition. Cattle have specific nutritional needs that vary […]

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cattle parasites

A Guide to Cattle Parasites 

Cattle parasites come in varying shapes and sizes: short, skinny, long, brown or white. Unfortunately, most go undetected until symptoms appear. As winter temperatures approach, cattle producers should prioritize parasite control.  Due to environmental conditions and management practices, cattle are susceptible to certain parasites in winter. As temperatures decrease and cattle get hairy and bunch […]

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weaning calves

How to Make Weaning Calves Stress-Free  

Weaning Calves Weaning calves is perhaps one of the most stressful times in a cow-calf operation. The bawling calves are stressed, their mama cows are confused, and the producer is trying to make sure everyone stays where they need to be.  However, with proper preparation, good management practices, and a solid plan, you can lessen […]

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how soon will a cow breed back after calving

How Soon Will a Cow Breed Back After Calving 

We expect a lot from a cow. She spends roughly 283 days in gestation, delivers a calf, and then we prepare her for breed back and expect her to conceive problem-free during her first heat. That is a lot for the body to handle, and the cow does it, hopefully, year after year after year.  […]

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