Oil and water. Cats and dogs. Bull fertility and summer heat. All of these are things that don’t necessarily mesh. When it comes to reproductive performance of your herd, you work hard to make sure your cows are in an ideal body condition and are reproductively sound; however, the bull’s reproductive health and condition also […]
A Guide to Pinkeye in your Herd
Pinkeye is a highly contagious infectious disease that impacts cattle across the world. According to a University of Nebraska Veterinary website, pinkeye costs U.S. beef producers between $150-300 million per year. Economic hits can come by way of decreased gain and decreased milk production, therefore decreasing the overall value of your cattle, as well as […]
How to Keep Stockers Gaining Through Summer Heat
After a long cold winter and an overly wet spring, summer might seem like a welcome change. However, the season doesn’t come without its fair share of challenges, especially if you’re grazing stockers. As a stocker operator, you’re going to be confronted with the heat, the possibility of grazing on fescue, flies and the potential […]
Tips for Making Quality Hay
Fresh forage is one low-cost, high-nutrient source of feed for beef and dairy cattle, sheep and horses. However, with a surplus of forage and some land and environmental factors that prohibit grazing fresh forages, making hay is a resourceful way to harvest and store valuable forages for a later time when feed resources become scarcer, […]
Four Ways to Keep Your Cows Bred During the Summer Heat
The summer heat can zap your energy faster than you can rattle off your favorite cow’s pedigree. A typical day of work will make most people tired but add in extreme heat and humidity and sometimes surviving feels like a job in itself. Imagine being a cow out on pasture, in both lactation and gestation. […]
Vista Farms Beats Summer Stressors
Summertime heat can be both a blessing and a curse to those in production agriculture. For those who have planted crops, and received adequate rainfall, the heat is the element that makes those crops grow and thrive. However, for the cattle producer, heat stress can wreak havoc on reproduction, growth and efficiency, as the cattle […]
A Guide to Reduce Heat Stress in Stocker Operations
As cattle producers, when the temperature rises, you begin to feel the pressure of keeping the herd healthy and efficient. The warmer it gets outside, the more your herd runs the risk of decreased performance, increased sickness and ultimately economic losses. And when you put yourself in the shoes of the stocker operator, this pressure […]
How to get the Maximum Value from Your Land
Farmers and ranchers are the original stewards of the land, and with good reason. For centuries, these agriculturalists have provided their own families, the country and the world with safe and nutritious food as a result of caring for the land. For many it is a passion passed down from one generation to the next; […]
Bringing the Heat to Optimize Operation
Imagine the anticipation of calving season to get one calf from your entire herd. The next year isn’t much better, but you double your pregnancy rates, and get two live calves on the ground. However, those two calves represent a small fraction of your herd. You’d probably start looking for a few answers. That’s exactly […]
Seeing is Believing When it Comes to Healthy Calves
For one progressive cattleman, seeing is believing. And seeing a program on RFD-TV several years ago, has made a difference in the way Tom Carter, Reidsville, North Carolina, backgrounds and markets cattle. Carter buys 300 head of calves throughout the year that he backgrounds on grass, hay and mineral. He puts the calves together and […]