Progressive Cattlemen: Longevity is Benefit of Commitment

Longevity. It seems like a term that doesn’t get used much anymore. Many things in the marketplace are “single-use” items, and products just aren’t made like they used to be. However, for one couple in the cattle business in southeast Louisiana, longevity is a trait that they have become accustomed to.  Arnold and Missy Hess, Morganza, […]

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BioZyme® Launches New Breeding Mineral for Summer Heat

Getting cows bred and keeping them bred during the summer can be a challenge. Heat stress takes a toll on early-term pregnancy, and with temps already warming up to the mid-70s in April across much of the Midwest, it seems like environmental extremes might just reach new heights this year.  That’s why BioZyme® Inc., makers of […]

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A Complete Guide to Grass Tetany

Spring has arrived and soon cattle producers will be thinking about turning their cattle out on nice green pastures. Spring grazing is always an exciting time, but before you turn out those pairs to green grass, consider a hidden concern of grazing.   Grass tetany can be a challenge for producers during spring and early summer […]

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Turning Profit Starts with Live Calves

There are a lot of variables to turning a profit in the cattle business. But, one thing is certain; if you don’t have a healthy calf born during calving for each cow exposed at breeding time the odds are already stacked against you. North Dakota rancher Wade Wilson was facing these very challenges and more […]

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Managing Your Cows in the Winter

The changing of the seasons is inevitable. That’s true whether you’re running Angus cows in North Dakota or Hereford and black baldie cows in south central Mississippi. However, when you’re a cattle producer whose livelihood depends on those mama cows, the changing seasons mean making a few adaptations to cow nutrition and care to make […]

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4 Tips to Successfully Wintering Stocker Calves

It’s no doubt, agriculture is a risky business. There are a lot of uncertainties, especially when you add the environment and the ever-changing weather into the mix. But with a good plan and some of these best management practices in place, you can come out in the springtime with healthy, growthy calves that are ready […]

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Progressive Cattlemen Focus on Improved Efficiencies over Generations

To be successful in any business, takes dedication, skills and the desire to improve efficiencies with new technologies while embracing tradition that still is applicable. Alpers Farms at Hudson, Kan., is one such business that has stood the test of time and has adapted to new technologies to improve proficiencies and increase profitability with each generation that […]

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Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: How are They Different

Prebiotic and probiotic sound similar; in fact, with just one letter difference, you might even believe they function equally too. However, that is not the case. Both prebiotics and probiotics do play a role in the health of the bacteria found in the digestive tract. Yes, there are good bacteria in there. But they are […]

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Top Tips to Make the Most of Winter Pastures

Imagine cattle herds grazing tall, nutrient-rich grasses year-round, with no worry of snow cover or dormancy. Although this utopic scenario sounds pretty great, it’s just too good to be true here in cow country, U.S.A.  A majority of the land producers have to graze on during winter months is mature, dormant forage that is low […]

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Tips to Manage Cold Stress for Calves

It’s never too early to start planning how you’re going to get your newborn calves off to a thriving start, especially in the coldest months of the year. If you are 30 to 60 days away from calving, you need to start now to ensure that your calf crop will have the nutrients it needs to get a jump […]

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