Calving time – it’s the most wonderful season for cattle producers when they finally see the outcomes of their breeding decisions. During the recent winter cold snap, negative windchills slammed the country. During a “typical” year, other challenges besides survival and frozen ears exist. Will a first-calf heifer need assistance? Will the calf nurse? Does the cow have enough milk?
Genetics, nutrition and management all play a role in your calving time success. Cow milk yield perhaps has the biggest impact on the success of your new calf crop. Since milk is the primary source of nutrition for these newborn calves, a cow that produces adequate milk is essential.
Cattle Nutrition Experts
VitaFerm® is an established brand of vitamin and mineral supplements designed to maximize energy and forage utilization for successful beef production. Our products support cattle producers looking to maximize their operations. Best of all, VitaFerm products ensure balanced nutrition for livestock.
Not only do we make and market nutritional supplements for livestock, but we also raise, breed and feed our own herds. That is why sharing this information with fellow cattle producers is so important. It’s part of our care that comes full circle.
VitaFerm is the flagship brand of BioZyme® Inc., a leading fermentation company pioneering advancements in animal nutrition and health. Through innovative research and high-quality manufacturing, BioZyme creates powerful solutions that improve animal performance and support producer profitability in the agricultural industry.
Our mission: undeniable positive impact on the health and wellness of your animals and your business.
Nutrition Increases Cow Milk Yield
You’ve already made your mating decisions and established genetics within your herd. You must rely on a quality nutrition program to increase cow milk yield to help your calves grow and perform.
The cow’s nutrient requirements peak during lactation. She is not only responsible for herself, but she is also nursing a growing calf.
Requirements for both energy and protein increase significantly for beef cows after calving. Producers must stay aware of these changing nutrient needs. According to Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Director of Beef Technical Sales for BioZyme Inc., protein requirements for cows in early lactation reach up to 12%, where they normally don’t exceed 6-8%.
He suggests that lactation is a great time to supplement the herd with VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Tub or meal.
“Luckily, those added protein requirements typically coincide with spring’s lush pastures. Although protein tubs can help, the extra energy unlocked from Amaferm® really helps bridge the energetic gap, too. Especially when some of the washy forages are low in dry matter,” he said.
Additionally, if the pasture is still snow-covered or dormant, consider supplementing lactating cows with extra hay or grain. However, Amaferm in the Concept•Aid ensures that cows absorb the most nutrients from the forages and feed.
Amaferm Makes a Difference
AO-Biotics® Amaferm® is a research-proven prebiotic that enhances digestibility.
“Amaferm can help unlock the nutritional value of all types of forages. Amaferm goes beyond stimulating the growth of beneficial rumen bacteria and can also promote rumen fungal growth and enzymatic activity. This increases fiber digestibility and volatile fatty acid (VFA) production by 17% and 16%, respectively. As such, more energy becomes available to your cows, leading to more performance,” Cassady continued.
We recommend feeding Concept•Aid products powered by Amaferm 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding to promote effective, easy breeding.
Don’t Forget Water
Water is the most vital nutrient for every animal and is especially important for improving cow milk yield. Dehydration can occur even in winter. Prevent water from freezing by using heated waterers or regularly breaking the ice. Water intake and appetite are directly correlated, and cattle consume less feed if water intake is inadequate.
The Final Word
Feeding cattle in winter adds to the stress of calving. However, with proper planning, a good vitamin and mineral supplement and plenty of fresh, thawed water, your cow milk yield should be plentiful for raising growthy calves.
VitaFerm Can Help
VitaFerm offers supplements ideal for feeding cattle through all seasons. AO-Biotics Amaferm, the key additive in all VitaFerm products, has more than 150 published and/or presented research studies proving its increase in digestibility and, ultimately, its impact on the animal. Not only will you be supplementing your cows’ vitamin and mineral needs, but you will be providing them with Amaferm.
Providing supplements for your herd year-round is important, but even more so during lactation. At BioZyme, we give you options within the VitaFerm brand. Not sure what to feed cows when it comes to VitaFerm? Check out our Concept•Aid Product Navigator.
Get Your VitaFerm Today
Get your VitaFerm products from an authorized BioZyme dealer today. Our extensive dealer network is here to help you meet mineral needs.
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