Progressive Cattleman: Tips for Growing Bulls During Summer Heat

Oil and water. Cats and dogs. Bull fertility and summer heat. All of these are things that don’t necessarily mesh. When it comes to reproductive performance of your herd, you work hard to make sure your cows are in an ideal body condition and are reproductively sound; however, the bull’s reproductive health and condition also […]

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A Guide to Reduce Heat Stress in Stocker Operations

As cattle producers, when the temperature rises, you begin to feel the pressure of keeping the herd healthy and efficient. The warmer it gets outside, the more your herd runs the risk of decreased performance, increased sickness and ultimately economic losses. And when you put yourself in the shoes of the stocker operator, this pressure […]

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Making the Transition to Your Summertime Mineral

For many spring-calving cow herds across the country, breeding season is just beginning. This means you will want to give your cows every advantage you can to get them bred and keep them bred, especially through the heat of the summer. Progressive cattle producers across the country have learned to rely on the VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® […]

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Keeping Her Bred Starts with Good Nutrition

Cattle enthusiasts who have been involved with the Angus business know that females with names like Missie and Proven Queen have not only made their way to the backdrop at countless shows across the country carrying the purple banner, they have also gone onto become superior cow families within the breed. Those cow families originated […]

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Prepare Your Herd for Grazing Season Stressors

After a stressful winter across the country, cattle producers are surely looking forward to the sunshine and turning their cattle out to green pastures. Just as Mother Nature can cause havoc in the winter months, she can also add unnecessary stress to your herd in the spring and summer. However, with proper management, you can […]

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Keeping Bulls Fertile During Summer’s Heat

When we think about reproduction in the herd, our first thoughts immediately shift to the cows. Are they at the proper body condition to breed? When do we need to synchronize and breed them to hit our target calving window? However, the bulls contribute their genetics to each calf, and work harder than the cows […]

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Keep Her Bred Through the Heat of Summer

Cattle producers go to great lengths to do whatever it takes to get their cows bred. But what about after they are bred? Keeping a cow bred, especially during the summer months, can be equally as challenging. Typically, if a fertile bull breeds cows at the correct time, fertilization rates should nearly reach 100%. However, […]

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