Seedstock Operation Relies on Minerals, Protein to get Cows Rebred

The mother cow is the foundation of a profitable cow-calf enterprise. Making sure she gets bred, delivers and weans a calf each year is critical for her to maintain her position in the herd. But she can’t do it alone. Progressive cattle producers like Kevin Jensen, Courtland, Kan., know the importance of taking care of […]

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How Protein Keeps One Herd Healthy, Gives Calves Extra Bloom

In the vast plains of North Central Texas, where cows graze in pastures designed for hundreds at one time, making sure the land is fully utilized is a top priority. It is also critical for those cows to have a high-quality nutrition program in place as they spread out and graze the native grasses. The […]

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How to Get the Most Nutrients from Low Quality Forages

As summer’s days get shorter and the crisp morning air starts to greet us, it is a reminder that the seasons are about to transition into fall. With that transition comes many changes for the cattle producer, including considerations of managing forages and how to feed those available forages in the coming months. Availability of […]

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Tips for Forage Testing to Ensure Proper Supplementation

Some livestock producers will tell you they are forage producers and they simply raise cattle to have animals to consume the forage they produce. But it doesn’t matter if you raise hay for your cattle or cattle to eat hay, the most important thing to know is the nutrient content of the harvested forage you […]

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How to Keep Protein Cost Effective for the Cow Herd

The two most vital nutrients in a cow’s diet are energy and protein. Energy plays a very key role in the reproductive and lactation process, calf growth, weaning and overall performance. However, without the proper amount of protein in the diet, the amount of energy and all other nutrient intake and absorption levels can be […]

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