The American Rancher | BioZyme Concept•Aid

American Rancher: BioZyme Concept•Aid

Dec 7, 2020 Vitaferm® Concept•Aid® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle formulated to promote effective, easy breeding when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. High concentrations of vitamin E and organic trace minerals, coupled with the Amaferm® advantage, supports quick repair of the reproductive tract and more energy […]

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American Rancher Episode Addresses Staying Profitable through Challenges

Little things can add up to big differences, especially when those differences are in your bottom line. That is the message shared by Steve Howard, Howard Ranches in Oklahoma. Howard Ranches along with Thaler Land and Livestock in Wyoming, will be featured on RFD- TV’s American Rancher in June, talking about how the Vita Charge® program […]

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American Rancher Show to Feature Wyoming Ranch Family, VitaFerm®

“A good mineral program is so important, and it is essential to animal health.” This sentiment is shared by Dr. Tim Holt. Holt is a world-renown veterinarian known for perfecting the pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) test. The PAP test is a predictor of high-altitude sickness or “brisket disease” in cattle throughout the West. Raising cattle […]

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What You Should Know: Three Things Buyers Consider

Information is power. In today’s world, more information is available than ever before on about any topic you have an interest in. For cattle buyers looking to fill their feedlots and backgrounding yards, three pieces of information are essential when it comes time to buy calves: vaccination history, genetic makeup and the nutrition program history. […]

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Century Ranch Believes in Keeping Calves Healthy, Growing.

Seeing is believing. And when ranchers see the results of a product that keeps calves healthy, eating and performing, it is easy to believe in that product. That’s why Thaler Land & Livestock at LaGrange, Wyo., believes in the Amaferm® advantage. The ranch, owned and operated by multi-generations, has seen the results of supplementing their […]

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