Importance of a Year-Round Supplementation Program

Chris Cassady, PhD, Beef Technical Sales Manager, BioZyme® Inc., St. Joseph, MO  Cow nutritional requirements fluctuate throughout the annual production cycle. For spring calving herds, most calves have been weaned and cows are in midgestation. Collectively, this current timepoint represents the lowest nutritional requirement for that cow. Available forage quality decreases at the same rate […]

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How Today’s Cow Nutrition Impacts Next Year’s Calf Crop

By Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme Inc. It’s well established that the nutritional requirements of cattle fluctuate throughout the year and depend on the production cycle of the cow. Although the nutritional cost for maintenance remains somewhat constant, there are many factors that influence these added nutritional “taxes.” Growing heifers have elevated needs to support their […]

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How the Amaferm Advantage can help Stretch your Forage Resources

Between the widespread drought, increased need for hay resources and lack of pastures, cattle producers across the country are looking for ways to cut their input costs. During a time when they should be turning cows out to pasture, those pastures aren’t as nutrient dense as normal, and hay is at a premium, making the […]

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Amaferm Increases Protein Efficiency during period of Increased Feed Prices

. By Jack Oattes, M.S., BioZyme Inc. Protein is critical to the performance of all beef cattle, and like other key nutrients it is required for bodily functions such as maintenance, growth, lactation and reproduction. Given that feed commodity prices, specifically protein sources like soybean meal have reached near record high prices in recent months, […]

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A Complete Guide to Grass Tetany

Spring has arrived and soon cattle producers will be thinking about turning their cattle out on nice green pastures. Spring grazing is always an exciting time, but before you turn out those pairs to green grass, consider a hidden concern of grazing.   Grass tetany can be a challenge for producers during spring and early summer […]

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Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: How are They Different

Prebiotic and probiotic sound similar; in fact, with just one letter difference, you might even believe they function equally too. However, that is not the case. Both prebiotics and probiotics do play a role in the health of the bacteria found in the digestive tract. Yes, there are good bacteria in there. But they are […]

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Vita Charge® Clench Launched to Assist with Scours

Our livestock can’t always tell us how they are feeling, until it’s too late. And oftentimes they “show” us they are not feeling their best through diarrhea and scours. When these symptoms occur, you want to make sure your livestock get properly treated to feel their best, so they continue eating, drinking, looking and performing […]

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The Power of Protein: How to Determine Your Cow Herd’s Needs

Protein is a powerful nutrient for your cow’s digestive system and rumen to function properly. However, spending money on protein supplementation may not always be the best investment a cow-calf producer makes. You need to know when to supplement protein and how much to provide your herd to make it a wise investment in your […]

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How Nutrition Works to Amplify Your Animals’ Health

Health and nutrition. To some livestock producers these terms might seem like the “chicken and egg” expression, and leave you wondering which one came first. Do you amplify your nutrition program to get your animals to perform to their highest potential? Or does a high-quality nutrition program help keep your animals healthy and therefore performing? […]

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What You Need to Know About a Mycotoxin Risk in Your Feed

Due to a wet fall and delayed harvest in the Midwest, conditions have been ideal for mold growth. Therefore, mycotoxins will likely be an issue in many feeds and ingredients this year. Mycotoxins are a toxic, secondary metabolite produced by fungi/molds that result in undesirable performance when animals (or even humans for that matter) are […]

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