fly control mineral for cattle

The Importance of Using Fly Control Mineral for Cattle 

Fly Control Mineral for Cattle Good things don’t always come in small packages. Take the fly for instance. Tiny little flies cost the beef industry more than a billion dollars each year. If you break that down, flies can cost you, the producer, $30-$50 per pair if you are not engaging in effective fly control […]

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garlic for cattle

Garlic for Cattle: an Ideal Fly Control Method 

Garlic for Cattle Out of sight; out of mind. But what if that nuisance we can’t see is going to cause more than $1 billion in damage to the U.S. beef industry? It’s time to make flies top-of-mind. Yes, that tiny black fly causes a huge economic impact to the beef industry each year.   It’s […]

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Listen to What your Cattle Tell you they Need

Sixth & Final in a Series based on 1980s Ads Featuring BioZyme® Founder Wouldn’t it be nice if livestock could tell you what they need and when they need it? For instance, when the grass is greening up and cows are being turned out to pasture, if cow number 782 could say, “Mr. Producer, I am […]

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Get Your Cows Ready for Breeding

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Beef Technical Sales Manager  Spring is a time of renewal. Trees are budding, grass is greening up, and tractors are hitting the fields planting that next crop. If you are in the cattle business, you’re likely planning a future calf crop, too. It’s almost breeding time for those spring calvers, so you’re […]

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Progress is Constantly Evolving in Cow-Calf Business

 Fifth in a Series based on 1980s Ads Featuring BioZyme® Founder   Have you ever wondered why the windshield is significantly larger than a rearview mirror? The road in front of you has greater importance than where you came from. That is progress. You need to know where you are going, but you also need to be […]

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BioZyme® Brands Cover all Sectors of Beef Business

If you are in the cattle business, chances are you’ve likely heard of VitaFerm®, and perhaps over time you’ve mistaken VitaFerm as a company. If you have, you aren’t alone. However, VitaFerm is one of several offerings in the family of brands manufactured by BioZyme® Inc.   VitaFerm is a line of nutritional supplements for beef […]

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Manure: How your Inputs could Save you on Your Outputs

Third in a Series based on 1980s Ads Featuring BioZyme® Founder  Manure happens. It’s the final phase of the digestive process, and according to the third in a series of 1980 VitaFerm® advertisements, “It’s not much fun to step in. But it can tell you plenty.”   As cattle producers and feeders, you probably think long and […]

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Fetal Development in Beef Cattle

One of the most rewarding days of the year for cow-calf producers is sale day. However, watching a calf crop grow from calving to weaning brings many challenges. Braving the blowing snow to save a calf from the ice and cold to ensure survival to make it to the sale barn is a challenge. Waiting […]

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