Eating Right is Important for Cattle, Too

Fourth in a Series based on 1980s Ads Featuring BioZyme® Founder   Who doesn’t enjoy a properly prepared, balanced meal? For some, an ideal dinner might include a juicy, grilled steak packed with zinc, iron, protein, amino acids and multiple B vitamins, a green leafy salad filled with fiber, Vitamins A & C, a baked potato, that […]

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Manure: How your Inputs could Save you on Your Outputs

Third in a Series based on 1980s Ads Featuring BioZyme® Founder  Manure happens. It’s the final phase of the digestive process, and according to the third in a series of 1980 VitaFerm® advertisements, “It’s not much fun to step in. But it can tell you plenty.”   As cattle producers and feeders, you probably think long and […]

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Amaferm® – A wise investment, not an extra cost

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme® Inc., Beef Technical Sales Manager Profitability in beef production is dependent upon output revenue exceeding input costs. Elevated calf prices have pushed gross returns yet profit margins have shrunk due to the rising cost of production. A general rule of thumb is that at least 60% of your operational expenses are […]

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How BioZyme Products are More than “Just a Mineral”

Cattle values are reaching all-time highs, but the cost of inputs have also paralleled. Producers make the initial financial commitment in their genetics, so it’s important to have every tool needed for long term success. The VitaFerm® and Gain Smart® lines of products are great investments in any cattle operation because they provide a precision […]

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How the Amaferm Advantage can help Stretch your Forage Resources

Between the widespread drought, increased need for hay resources and lack of pastures, cattle producers across the country are looking for ways to cut their input costs. During a time when they should be turning cows out to pasture, those pastures aren’t as nutrient dense as normal, and hay is at a premium, making the […]

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How to Make Early Weaning Work in your Operation

By Jack Oattes, M.S., BioZyme Inc. The concept of early weaning in beef cattle has long been considered a management strategy that can potentially benefit cattle producers and their cow herds, although there are several considerations to make when deciding whether or not to implement this strategy. The goal of this article is to discuss some of the relevant historical […]

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VitaFerm Gain Smart

How Nutrition Adds Value for Sellers and Buyers

As the leaves turn from green to crisp golds and yellows, it’s a reminder that fall weaning is right around corner. Many weaned calves will be making their way to feed lots across the Midwest. As the time comes to market calves, producers are always looking for ways to capture extra profit, and the buyers […]

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How to Host a Successful Bull Sale

You’ve been selling a few bulls off your seedstock operation for several years now. You have increased your herd size and think next year might be the year to make the switch from selling your bulls privately to conducting your first bull sale. Are you prepared? Do you know the amount of time you will […]

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Four Accounting Programs to Help Improve Your Operation

Accounting is the language of business. Not having accurate accounting information is like trying to get on the right train in Tokyo when you don’t speak Japanese. In the end, you will be lost and unsure of your business’ financial footprint. Whether you’re a beginning farmer or have a thriving business, accounting software can make […]

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