6 Tips to Make Calving Season Easier

If you have a spring calving herd, you are now either finding yourself in the thick of things or it won’t be long before you have new calves hitting the ground. We polled our VitaFerm Facebook followers, asking them for their best calving tips. Take a look and see what tips you can utilize to […]

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Relationship Building is Key to Profitability

Cow-calf producers have a lot of decisions to make to ensure their herd turns a profit. One of the biggest decisions they might make is selecting a backgrounding operation or a feedlot to finish their calves. In addition to making sure their nutritional needs are met prior to weaning and shipping here are some tips […]

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Considerations for Managing Stocker Cattle: Impacts on BRD

Dr. Brandi Karisch – Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Mississippi State University Stocker cattle systems add value to recently weaned calves by marketing to cattle feeders large lots of uniform sized calves that have received health procedures (e.g., vaccinations, deworming, castration, dehorning) and are better prepared to thrive in confined feeding systems after getting past the […]

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Bull Buyers Guide

by Travis Meteer, University of Illinois, Beef Extension Educator Are you sifting through stacks of bull sale catalogs looking for your next bull? While bull selection can be a daunting task, your choice will impact your herd for years to come. Thus, taking some time to think about what you need from your next herd sire […]

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Implementing a Herd Health Program

If healthy calves are your goal, there are several “don’t stop” management decisions you should consider. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is very true when it comes to building a successful health program. Vaccination, nutrition and stress management continue to be the cornerstones of a comprehensive herd health program. Cost […]

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Water Considerations for Stocker Cattle

Water is the most important nutrient and vital to ensuring the health of your livestock remains consistent. Bringing stocker cattle into a new area is stressful, but it is imperative that intake to water is not restricted due to cattle being uncomfortable or having poor access in their new surroundings. We often focus on feed […]

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To Bed or Not To Bed

by Warren Rusche, SDSU Extension Beef Feedlot Management Associate, courtesy of iGrow.org “To bed or not to bed?” With apologies to William Shakespeare, that is the question on many feedlot managers’ minds as we head into the winter months. Will providing bedding result in enough extra performance to outweigh the additional expenses in both material […]

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Gain Smart™ is the Smart way to Gain Profits

Cattle producers are always looking for ways to maximize profitability, and that is especially true during a down market. Producers who have the resources to retain ownership on their calves to heavier weights could see more profitability in the end. And they can reach those higher weights more quickly and efficiently with the Gain SmartTM […]

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Four Accounting Programs to Help Improve Your Operation

Accounting is the language of business. Not having accurate accounting information is like trying to get on the right train in Tokyo when you don’t speak Japanese. In the end, you will be lost and unsure of your business’ financial footprint. Whether you’re a beginning farmer or have a thriving business, accounting software can make […]

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Nutrition Tips for Stressed Stocker Cattle

by Dana Zook, NW Area Extension Livestock Specialist Stress is the principal factor affecting the health of newly weaned or shipped stocker calves. Just imagine a kindergarten student riding the bus to school the first day. This student will experience new food, activities and people. Some of these kids are excited for their first day, […]

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