Stocker operators and backgrounders want their calves to get the best nutritional start possible. They often receive loads of calves. Sometimes those calves are from multiple locations, often transported hundreds of miles. Maybe they come from a livestock auction market, fresh weaned from their mamas. Early stress, such as weaning or hauling, can take a toll on your calves’ overall health and performance.
At BioZyme®, we take great pride in producing products that leave an undeniable impact. We know that cattle producers face enough stressors. Keeping their calves healthy and gaining should not add to their worries. That’s why we created the VitaFerm® Cattle Drench, a drench for cattle designed to support digestive health before, during and after challenges.
With research at the core of every product we produce, we know that producers are looking for products that offer a solution to getting their calves eating, drinking and gaining – all while staying healthy. VitaFerm Cattle Drench is the answer to several of those challenges.
“We are in a new era of calf prices, so why not ensure they have the best nutrition possible? The first week after receiving cattle is the most critical to your profitability. Keeping them healthy and getting them up on feed is critical in this stressful situation.” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme Director of Beef Technical Sales.
Research-Proven Results
VitaFerm Cattle Drench is powered by AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. Amaferm increases the Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) digestibility, ultimately saving you money on feed and forages. As NDF goes up, intake goes down because more NDF means more structural fiber and slower passage rate. It also contains MOS (mannan oligosaccharides), which helps normalize the gut microflora and supports the immune system. It also contains enzymes to generate a more rapid digestive response, which can be vital in stressful situations.
In this receiving trial, administering VitaFerm Cattle Drench on the calves’ arrival resulted in a 0.1-pound average daily gain advantage at day 22 or a weight advantage of 2.2 pounds. More calves in the control group found their way to the sick pen – 28 head versus the 17 that received the VitaFerm Drench.
The Cattle Drench Research Trial
For this trial, researchers split 120 steer calves into two equal groups at processing time. Every other steer was dosed with the VitaFerm Drench as it went through the chute. The control group and Amaferm-treated group were penned and fed independently of one other for the 22-day trial period.
Of the 60 calves that received Amaferm through the Drench, only 17 needed treatments in the sick pen. Comparatively, 28 head in the control group – without Amaferm – found their way to the sick pen. Researchers noted that the location received approximately 6 inches of rain during the trial period, which could impact some sickness.
“Stress increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. The gut is the most important system in their body to prevent disease as it’s home to 70% of the calf’s immune system. If we keep the gut healthy, we minimize the impact pathogens have and improve our feed conversion. It’s a win-win situation.” Cassady said.
VitaFerm Drench is Just the Beginning
VitaFerm Cattle Drench is your first step in helping calves stay healthy and perform. If you want to keep Amaferm in their diets throughout the backgrounding phase, you can. BioZyme encourages you to take advantage of Gain Smart’s 3-Step Program to keep Amaferm in your cattle from receiving or weaning through the stocker phase.
Step 1: Transition with VitaFerm Cattle Drench
The above research trial already shares the benefits of giving calves the VitaFerm Cattle Drench at weaning or receiving.
Step 2: Start Calves Off Right with VitaFerm Stress Tubs
The first few weeks upon arrival or post-weaning can still be slightly stressful for these young calves. Start them off right and keep their digestive system working with VitaFerm Stress Tubs.
During the first 7-21 days, the Stress Tubs will:
- Promote feed and water intake.
- Help trap harmful bacteria, limiting their ability to do harm with the help of MOS (mannan oligosaccharides).
- Increases digestibility, with the Amaferm, to maximize the energy value of feed for more gains.
Step 3: Grow Stockers or Replacement Females with Gain Smart Mineral
Now that you’ve got your calves transitioned and started, it’s time to give them a cattle weight gain supplement backed by years of research. Wouldn’t an additional quarter pound of gain per day look good on those calves you’ve just processed and turned out?
Discover the Gain Smart formula that is right for you using our Gain Smart Product Quiz.
Why Does Amaferm Matter?
Research shows that calves fed just 4 ounces of Amaferm daily are likely to increase gains by ¼ of a pound per day. More efficient gains lead to faster-gaining, healthier calves.
Do you want calves that gain healthy, economic pounds and ultimately add to your bottom line? Wean calves in a low-stress way and get them started right with VitaFerm Cattle Drench.
Get Your BioZyme Products Today!
Now that we’ve discussed our cutting-edge research, are you ready to start your calves the stress-free way? Are you looking to get them eating and keep them gaining? Incorporate VitaFerm Cattle Drench into your receiving or weaning program to get them started out right.
Do you want to purchase locally? Find a BioZyme dealer near you.
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