Fifth in a Series based on 1980s Ads Featuring BioZyme® Founder

Have you ever wondered why the windshield is significantly larger than a rearview mirror? The road in front of you has greater importance than where you came from. That is progress. You need to know where you are going, but you also need to be able to see what you left behind in order to make progress.
“In the cow/calf business, progress must be ahead of us, because it sure isn’t behind us,” the headline boldly states in a 1980s BioZyme® advertisement that features founder Larry Ehlert. Those words still ring true today.
The cattle industry has evolved from where it was four decades ago, and with innovations in science and technology, should continue to evolve well into the next four decades. Advances in reproductive technologies like A.I. and embryo transfer have improved. Genetic tools have been developed to help enhance selection criteria. Efficiency has increased. Progress is constantly evolving due in part to breed associations, land grant universities, and other entities working to provide producers and others in the supply chain with timely, useful information.
One thing that hasn’t changed in the cattle business is the need to provide cattle in all stages of life with quality nutrition. Ehlert elaborates on this in the ad.
“VITA FERM® gives your cattle the vitamins, minerals and protein they need to perform at their level best. It also has an ingredient you won’t find in any other nutritional package. Amaferm®.”
Even Ehlert would be pleasantly surprised with the progress that BioZyme has made with its now family of brands. In addition to VitaFerm, a line of nutritional supplements for beef cattle that maximize energy and forage utilization for successful production, BioZyme also makes products for stocker cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, horse, dogs, and cats.
Gain Smart® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for stocker cattle that promotes healthy, economical pounds by maximizing the energy and protein available in the diet. Four formulas of Gain Smart exist giving feeders the opportunity to select the formula that best fits their feeding scenario. All contain Amaferm, and one Gain Smart Stocker HEAT® contains our HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils and garlic, to support animals when heat and insects are a challenge.
The HEAT technology is another area of progress that Ehlert would be proud that BioZyme has made. This technology is found in the Gain Smart, VitaFerm, Vita Charge® and Sure Champ® lines for cattle as well as the DuraFerm® products for sheep. HEAT is designed to support overall health when temperatures are warmer than 70 degrees or when livestock are grazing fescue.
Progress. It’s not a one-and-done. Progress is constantly evolving. At a company like BioZyme, focused on research and results, you can bet that progress will continue to be made in the areas of animal health and nutrition for the next four decades and beyond. If you’re in the cattle business, you can make progress by feeding a BioZyme mineral that will help increase daily gain, get increased conception rates and better breed backs. Learn more about that at