calf gel

Is All Calf Gel Created Equally? 

Cow-calf producers want the best start for their newborn calves. That’s why BioZyme® Inc. recently introduced VitaFerm® Sure Start Gel, specifically formulated for calves to support immune function and overall health during the critical post-birth period. Yes, there are other calf gels on the market. But, as leaders in animal health and nutrition, our goal […]

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cow milk yield

Increase Cow Milk Yield with Quality Nutrition

Calving time – it’s the most wonderful season for cattle producers when they finally see the outcomes of their breeding decisions. During the recent winter cold snap, negative windchills slammed the country. During a “typical” year, other challenges besides survival and frozen ears exist. Will a first-calf heifer need assistance? Will the calf nurse? Does […]

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mastitis in cattle

A Guide to Mastitis in Cattle

There are always challenges that accompany the calving season – dystocia, weak calves and winter storms. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could calve for one year with no stress and worries about the newborn calf or its mama? One challenge producers don’t often think about is mastitis in cattle. Mastitis is an inflammatory condition […]

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Sure Start Gel

BioZyme® Launches VitaFerm® Sure Start Gel 

BioZyme’s mission is to provide an undeniable positive impact on the health and wellness of the animals it serves. Therefore, BioZyme and its staff continually research and create products to help animals and maximize efficiencies for producers. With our mission and commitment to care that comes full circle in mind, we are excited to introduce […]

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Feeding cattle in winter

Important Tips for Feeding Cattle in Winter 

Winter is upon us, and for cattle producers, the wind and precipitation can make feeding cattle a challenge. Add the fact that most herds calve this time of year, meaning that cows’ nutritional needs are at their highest. Feeding cattle in winter can become a real chore!   Feeding cattle in winter is critical to management, […]

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feeding cattle

A Guide to Feeding Cattle in Winter: the Importance of Protein Supplementation

Feeding cattle in the winter is critical to cattle management, especially in regions where forage quality declines significantly during colder months. Proper nutrition during this period ensures cattle health, productivity and reproductive performance. However, low-quality forage alone often cannot meet the nutritional demands of cattle during winter. In these circumstances, protein supplementation is essential to […]

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cattle diet

Protein is an Integral Part of a Cattle Diet

Cattle Diet Cattle producers are the original stewards of the land. They know if they take care of the land and the resources Mother Nature offers, that land will ultimately take care of them. However, ranchers are more than cattle producers.   As stewards of the land, they also harvest sunshine, Vitamin D, and the forages […]

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when to wean cattle

When to Wean Cattle

Weaning is an essential process in cattle management for both the cow and the calf. It teaches the calf to be independent and allows it to go out on its own, often like sending our kids off to college. For the cow, weaning allows the reallocation of nutrients away from a nursing calf, giving the […]

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cattle maintenance

Provide Quality Nutrition During Cattle Maintenance  

Cattle Maintenance We expect a lot from that mother cow. She harvests grass and converts it to energy. When the time is right, she gets bred; 283 days later, she births a calf. Then she turns into a milking machine and uses everything she has to grow that calf during lactation, only to prepare for […]

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