Bull Buying Season: Be Excited, but Realistic

By Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Technical Sales Field Manager BioZyme® Inc.  Bull sales are in full swing for spring calving producers, and what an exciting time to find that next source of genetic progress for your herd! Finding the right herd sire is crucial because his genetic influence will represent half of the genetic background in next year’s calf crop.  Purchasing a […]

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Steps for a Successful Sale

Pay day. It’s the day or days many Americans look forward to each month so they can pay their debts, put away some savings and live life. But for many livestock producers, pay day comes once, maybe twice a year. Pay day comes on sale day and making sure you have everything ready to ensure the biggest […]

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Preparing your Bulls for Fall Breeding

As the daylight hours get shorter and the weeks slip by, those cow-calf operations with a fall calving program are likely already planning their fall breeding program. Now is the time to make sure that your bull battery is ready for breeding season to cover the most cows with the highest number of pregnancies.  The first steps to preparing […]

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5 Tips to Shorten Calving Intervals

Optimum productivity should be the goal of each cow-calf producer, and that productivity begins with cows producing at least one calf every year. With proper management, good health protocols and a quality nutrition program, that goal is easily attainable. Shortened calving intervals – or the time between the birth of one calf and the subsequent birth of the […]

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Progressive Cattleman: Tips for Growing Bulls During Summer Heat

Oil and water. Cats and dogs. Bull fertility and summer heat. All of these are things that don’t necessarily mesh. When it comes to reproductive performance of your herd, you work hard to make sure your cows are in an ideal body condition and are reproductively sound; however, the bull’s reproductive health and condition also […]

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How to Maximize Efficiency with Multi-Sire Breeding Systems

Reproductive soundness in your bull battery is just as important, if not more important to that in your cow herd. Considering your bull’s job is to cover multiple cows in a breeding season, you want to make sure he is structurally sound, in proper body condition and has passed a breeding soundness exam, indicating reproductive […]

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How to Host a Successful Bull Sale

You’ve been selling a few bulls off your seedstock operation for several years now. You have increased your herd size and think next year might be the year to make the switch from selling your bulls privately to conducting your first bull sale. Are you prepared? Do you know the amount of time you will […]

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Management is Key to Successful Sale Preparation    

In the heart of the Nebraska Sandhills is a multi-breed, multi-generation cattle operation that will market nearly 1,000 head of cattle this calendar year. When asked how they manage their resources and market cattle that have found success in herds across the country, the answer was fairly simple. “We just stick to the basics,” said […]

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