fly control for cattle

A Guide to Fly Control for Cattle 

Warm weather and sunshine are welcome signs of spring after a cold, dreary winter. The one thing everyone can agree that isn’t welcome—flies. Whether you are involved in production agriculture or not, flies are a nuisance nobody wants around. However, when you are in the cattle business, flies cost the industry billions of dollars annually.  […]

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calf gel

Is All Calf Gel Created Equally? 

Cow-calf producers want the best start for their newborn calves. That’s why BioZyme® Inc. recently introduced VitaFerm® Sure Start Gel, specifically formulated for calves to support immune function and overall health during the critical post-birth period. Yes, there are other calf gels on the market. But, as leaders in animal health and nutrition, our goal […]

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Protein for Cattle

Protein for Cattle: VitaFerm® Offers Options

Protein for cattle is essential, especially during critical times like winter when a majority of the cow herd is in late gestation. Furthermore, during the winter, forage quality often declines, and protein supplementation becomes crucial to ensure cattle can efficiently utilize available energy sources and maintain body condition. Cattle have specific nutritional needs that vary […]

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Cattle Drench Research

VitaFerm® Cattle Drench Research Proves Increased Health, Performance 

Stocker operators and backgrounders want their calves to get the best nutritional start possible. They often receive loads of calves. Sometimes those calves are from multiple locations, often transported hundreds of miles. Maybe they come from a livestock auction market, fresh weaned from their mamas. Early stress, such as weaning or hauling, can take a […]

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how cold can cows tolerate?

How Cold Can Cows Tolerate? 

As livestock producers, we have a lot of concerns. We worry about input costs, if we made the right breeding decisions and where cattle prices will be when we are ready to sell. All these are issues that you likely deal with regularly. Another concern for many ranchers is the weather.   Now, cattle are hardy […]

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protein tubs

Protein Tubs for Cattle Offer Convenient Nutrition  

Protein Tubs Time and labor: two precious resources that every cattle producer wishes they had more of. The two go together not just in production agriculture but in life. There’s always more to get done, but not enough time to do it. On a ranch, in particular, it’s an age-old struggle.   What if we told […]

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cattle diet

Protein is an Integral Part of a Cattle Diet

Cattle Diet Cattle producers are the original stewards of the land. They know if they take care of the land and the resources Mother Nature offers, that land will ultimately take care of them. However, ranchers are more than cattle producers.   As stewards of the land, they also harvest sunshine, Vitamin D, and the forages […]

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weaning calves

How to Make Weaning Calves Stress-Free  

Weaning Calves Weaning calves is perhaps one of the most stressful times in a cow-calf operation. The bawling calves are stressed, their mama cows are confused, and the producer is trying to make sure everyone stays where they need to be.  However, with proper preparation, good management practices, and a solid plan, you can lessen […]

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what to feed cows

A Year-Long Planner: What to Feed Cows 

What To Feed Cows Cow nutritional requirements fluctuate throughout the calendar year and the annual production cycle. Fortunately, cattle producers have a variety of management systems to choose from. They can select calving times, weaning protocols, nutrition programs, and marketing scenarios.  However, when it comes to what to feed cows, the production cycle of the […]

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