Amaferm® – A wise investment, not an extra cost

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme® Inc., Beef Technical Sales Manager Profitability in beef production is dependent upon output revenue exceeding input costs. Elevated calf prices have pushed gross returns yet profit margins have shrunk due to the rising cost of production. A general rule of thumb is that at least 60% of your operational expenses are […]

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Seedstock Producers Appreciate “Progress you can See”

Registered Angus producers Katie and Jason Jagels are focused on raising top quality genetics for the commercial cattle producer on the edge of the Nebraska Sandhills. However, they are just as passionate about being stewards of the land while building personal relationships with their customers and others in agriculture. “We like to say we are […]

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Fall Breeding Nutritional Considerations

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Beef Technical Sales Manager, BioZyme® Inc  Beef production is vast and diverse and includes the type of calving season producers might choose to best fit their means and resources. The benefits of fall calving are numerous. It’s much easier to avoid heat stress during the breeding season, and since only 25% of […]

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How Today’s Cow Nutrition Impacts Next Year’s Calf Crop

By Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme Inc. It’s well established that the nutritional requirements of cattle fluctuate throughout the year and depend on the production cycle of the cow. Although the nutritional cost for maintenance remains somewhat constant, there are many factors that influence these added nutritional “taxes.” Growing heifers have elevated needs to support their […]

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Nutritional Opportunities to Improve Reproduction and Profitability

Chris Cassady, Ph.D. Technical Beef Sales Field Manager Breeding season is officially upon us. You may be using the same bulls as last year or trying something new with A.I.or a purchased young herd sire. There’s a lot of excitement putting these genetic puzzle pieces together in your operation. You’ve likely spent a lot of […]

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Calving Season is Here: Are your Cows Prepared Nutritionally?

By Chris Cassady, Ph.D.  We have a symbiotic relationship with grazing cattle, in which they convert cellulose and other inedible fibrous material into a wholesome protein product for human consumption. There are many types of production systems, cattle breed types and available resources across the domestic cow-calf sector, but the basic nutritional demands are somewhat standard across the board. In lay […]

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Why Quality Cow Nutrition is Vital Pre-Calving

Calving time is much anticipated across the country. It’s a time of renewal; it’s time to see how those mating decisions panned out and to watch those cows turn into maternal miracles for another season. Preparing for calving season doesn’t just happen by getting some fresh bedding and making sure your calf pullers are nearby and clean, “just in case.” Progressive […]

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How to Benefit your Cow Herd Year-round with High-quality Nutrition

Good nutrition doesn’t just matter during peak times of year like gestation and lactation. To optimize health and overall value of your herd, keeping them on a high-quality nutrition program year-round will benefit them and you as the producer.  “A year-round, high-quality, highly available mineral source can do a lot of good for a cow […]

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Preparing your Bulls for Fall Breeding

As the daylight hours get shorter and the weeks slip by, those cow-calf operations with a fall calving program are likely already planning their fall breeding program. Now is the time to make sure that your bull battery is ready for breeding season to cover the most cows with the highest number of pregnancies.  The first steps to preparing […]

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Progressives Producer Relies on Amaferm for Breeding Success

Getting cows bred and keeping them bred can be challenging. Using advanced reproductive technologies adds another layer of challenges to your operation. And doing all of these things in the rolling hills of Southern Kentucky, where your main forage source is endophyte-infected fescue can be a real test.  However, long-time cattle producer Eddie Burks, owner of Burks Cattle at Smiths […]

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