Registered Angus producers Katie and Jason Jagels are focused on raising top quality genetics for the commercial cattle producer on the edge of the Nebraska Sandhills. However, they are just as passionate about being stewards of the land while building personal relationships with their customers and others in agriculture.
“We like to say we are borrowing this land from the next generation, so being able to run cows on as minimum of a product is super important,” Katie said.
The combination of tall native grasses and VitaFerm® products has proven successful for the Jagels family. They have been feeding exclusively VitaFerm supplements, powered by Amaferm®, for the past five years, and Jason doesn’t plan on changing anytime soon. With visible benefits like an increase in both A.I. and embryo conception rates and having nearly every cow clean out at calving since he started the mineral, he can’t imagine switching something that works so well.
“It’s progress you can see,” Jason said.
That progress and Jason and Katie’s story will be featured in an upcoming segment of The American Rancher on RFD-TV, slated to air on Monday, October 31. The show will begin at 9 p.m., Eastern Time. It is scheduled to air again at 1 a.m., Tuesday, November 1 and again at Noon, Sunday, November 6. All times are Eastern.
Fifth generation agriculturists, Katie and Jason, haven’t always lived in the Sandhills. However, opportunity presented itself to operate a ranch where Jason interned in college, and they bought it from a long-time Hereford breeder who wanted younger people to make it their own and follow their dreams. They continue to host the Cattlemen’s Cut Bull Sale each February. Not only do they rely on the VitaFerm minerals for their herd, but they share some philosophies with the parent company, BioZyme® Inc.
“Standing behind your product and knowing your handshake and your word means that we’re in this together, we just really pride ourselves on submitting good, honest cattle and standing behind them all year long,” Jason said.
Learn more about the care that Jason and Katie give their herd with quality management and sound nutrition in the heart of the Nebraska Sandhills and dig deeper into the performance that pays with VitaFerm products on The American Rancher, October 31.
To learn more about these products or to find a BioZyme dealer near you, visit www.vitaferm.com.