How One Progressive Cattleman Weathered the Storm

Livestock producers from across the country are reeling from the wrath of Mother Nature. From record rainfall amounts, to early-season tornadoes in the South, prolonged winter in the North, and the worst storm to ever hit Nebraska with the blizzard and floods from the “bomb cyclone” in March, producers could easily give up. But that […]

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Tips for Grazing Cattle on Fescue

Agriculturalists are the original stewards of the land. When they take care of the land, it in turn, takes care of them and the animals that graze it. Grass is the key component in any grazing operation, especially in the summer. Tall fescue is the most widely adapted forage in the U.S. It is a […]

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Seedstock Operation Relies on Minerals, Protein to get Cows Rebred

The mother cow is the foundation of a profitable cow-calf enterprise. Making sure she gets bred, delivers and weans a calf each year is critical for her to maintain her position in the herd. But she can’t do it alone. Progressive cattle producers like Kevin Jensen, Courtland, Kan., know the importance of taking care of […]

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