minerals for cows

VitaFerm® Offers Minerals for Cows in Every Stage of Production 

Minerals for Cows Everywhere you turn, input costs keep creeping up, slowly and steadily. Feed, medicine costs, fencing, and basic supplies for cattle producers are increasing. Often times the first sacrifices that producers make are vitamins and minerals for cows.   Cows require vitamins and minerals for various essential physiological functions to support overall health, growth, […]

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Get Your Cows Ready for Breeding

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Beef Technical Sales Manager  Spring is a time of renewal. Trees are budding, grass is greening up, and tractors are hitting the fields planting that next crop. If you are in the cattle business, you’re likely planning a future calf crop, too. It’s almost breeding time for those spring calvers, so you’re […]

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Fetal Development in Beef Cattle

One of the most rewarding days of the year for cow-calf producers is sale day. However, watching a calf crop grow from calving to weaning brings many challenges. Braving the blowing snow to save a calf from the ice and cold to ensure survival to make it to the sale barn is a challenge. Waiting […]

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Amaferm® – A wise investment, not an extra cost

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme® Inc., Beef Technical Sales Manager Profitability in beef production is dependent upon output revenue exceeding input costs. Elevated calf prices have pushed gross returns yet profit margins have shrunk due to the rising cost of production. A general rule of thumb is that at least 60% of your operational expenses are […]

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Matheny Herefords Embraces the Amaferm® Advantage

“I’m a big believer in Amaferm® and the advantages it gives your cattle in gut health, digestibility of forages, feed conversion and overall consumption.” Andrew Matheny understands and values the importance of a high-quality mineral program. His registered Hereford herd benefits from the Amaferm advantage through all phases of production, from conception to birth, weaning […]

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