minerals for cows

VitaFerm® Offers Minerals for Cows in Every Stage of Production 

Minerals for Cows Everywhere you turn, input costs keep creeping up, slowly and steadily. Feed, medicine costs, fencing, and basic supplies for cattle producers are increasing. Often times the first sacrifices that producers make are vitamins and minerals for cows.   Cows require vitamins and minerals for various essential physiological functions to support overall health, growth, […]

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how soon will a cow breed back after calving

How Soon Will a Cow Breed Back After Calving 

We expect a lot from a cow. She spends roughly 283 days in gestation, delivers a calf, and then we prepare her for breed back and expect her to conceive problem-free during her first heat. That is a lot for the body to handle, and the cow does it, hopefully, year after year after year.  […]

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Nutritional Opportunities to Improve Reproduction and Profitability

Chris Cassady, Ph.D. Technical Beef Sales Field Manager Breeding season is officially upon us. You may be using the same bulls as last year or trying something new with A.I.or a purchased young herd sire. There’s a lot of excitement putting these genetic puzzle pieces together in your operation. You’ve likely spent a lot of […]

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Calving Season is Here: Are your Cows Prepared Nutritionally?

By Chris Cassady, Ph.D.  We have a symbiotic relationship with grazing cattle, in which they convert cellulose and other inedible fibrous material into a wholesome protein product for human consumption. There are many types of production systems, cattle breed types and available resources across the domestic cow-calf sector, but the basic nutritional demands are somewhat standard across the board. In lay […]

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