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For Cow-Calf Producers
VitaFerm® HEAT® is a vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle on pasture to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees and above, or anytime cattle are grazing fescue.
Key Ingredients:
The Amaferm® Advantage:
Amaferm is a precision-based prebiotic that is research-proven to combat heat stress. It also helps stimulate appetite, increase feed digestibility and maximize nutrient absorption. -
Capsaicin keeps cattle eating smaller meals throughout the day while also acting as a vasodilator to mitigate the effects of endophyte positive fescue. Also proven to increase water intake. -
Garlic acts as a natural insect repellent as the smell repels insects through breath and skin excretion.
For Stockers
Gain Smart® Stocker HEAT® is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for stocker cattle designed to balance basic nutrient needs for maximized efficient gain on grass pasture. Also contains HEAT to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees and above, or anytime cattle are grazing fescue.
Key Ingredients:
The Amaferm® Advantage:
A precision prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying nutrient supply for maximum performance. -
Organic Copper and Zinc Plus added Iodine:
Maximizes bioavailability to the animal to support hoof health and immunity.
For Weaning, Receiving, Shipping and Other Stressful Transitions:
Vita Charge® Stress Tub HEAT® is a cooked tub for beef cattle that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. Conveniently allows beef cattle to get their daily dose of Vita Charge without additional handling. Also contains HEAT to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees and above.
Key Ingredients:
The Amaferm® Advantage:
A precision prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying nutrient supply for maximum performance. -
Traps bad bacteria limiting their ability to do harm.

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