Thank you so much for your interest in our recent Virtual Producer Meeting series! We value education and industry experiences and we won’t let the shutdown of major events stop the industry networking. Sign up and receive the recordings for both sessions below.
Virtual Producer Meetings Tracks:
- Track 1: The Importance of a quality mineral program in 2020: The basics of the Amaferm Advantage
- Nutrition effects more than just the physical appearance and condition of your cow herd. It plays a role in herd health, reproductive efficiency and ultimately the profitability of your bottomline. With the help of quality ingredients and prebiotics, your nutrition program can help improve your herd to achieve your goals. Join us as we discuss the basics of the VitaFerm mineral program and how our key ingredient Amaferm makes it different from any mineral on the market.
- Track 2: Is Premium Nutrition Worth It: An in-depth look at a quality nutrition program
- When cattle producers are trying to cut costs, mineral programs seem to be the first to go, but should they be? When reproductive efficiency is the pinnacle of profitability in the herd, nutrition becomes a valuable ally in shortening the calving windows, faster breed back and sustained pregnancies. Join us as we discuss the value of premium nutrition and how an investment in a quality mineral program will generate return on numerous fronts.